200th issue of Magazine Gaspésie - Join the party!

200e numéro du Magazine Gaspésie - Soyez de la fête avec nous!

Gaspé, Thursday, February 19, 2021 – February 22, 1963 marks the anniversary of the publication of the first issue of the Revue d'histoire de la Gaspésie. Fifty-eight years later, what is now Gaspésie Magazine is about to publish its 200th issue! It's literally a tour de force that a regional history magazine is still so alive, thanks to you! We want to celebrate and thank you for your loyalty. A little surprise is hidden in the 200th issue which will appear at the end of March for those who will be subscribers. In addition, various draws and contests will take place; listen to our regional radio stations!

As Michel LeMoignan, co-founder of the Société historique de la Gaspésie, so aptly put it: “we are launching our Revue d'histoire in order to establish contact, a link between all Gaspé residents”. So, Gaspésiennes and Gaspésians of origin, adoption and heart, join the party with us to celebrate this 200th issue!

One of the oldest history journals in Quebec
On September 5, 1962, Michel LeMoignan and Claude Allard founded the Société historique de la Gaspésie. Its mandate revolves around three points, including that of publishing a history review. Less than six months later, the first issue appeared. Over the years, the journal has had different names, logos and formats. Its content has also evolved with the appearance of chronicles and thematic files. More recently, contemporary history has been integrated while the visual invoice has been updated. However, certain essential aspects for Mr. Allard, its first editor, remain: the concern for quality and the desire to deal with the small and the great history of the peninsula.

Gaspésie Magazine is you!
Since the very first, each issue has been produced thanks to a panoply of volunteers and various contributions. More than 780 author-collaborators, both amateurs and professionals, wrote texts, several hundred photos were reproduced, dozens of volunteers took part in the editorial board, in bagging and in distribution, while many advertisers faithfully supported us. And there are you, dear subscribers; you are the heart of the Magazine. Your role is not trivial, because, as Mr. LeMoignan pointed out in 1963: “It will be able to flourish, develop, exert a beneficial influence if everyone trusts us and immediately subscribes to the Review. This point is fundamental. We have an opportunity to prove our attachment to Gaspésie. ". All together, let's continue to write and transmit the history of our beautiful Gaspésie!

You have until March 21 to subscribe and receive the 200th issue.
You can do it online by clicking here for the digital version and here for the printed version or you can call us at 418 368-1534, extension 104.

Information :
Marie-Josee Lemaire-Caplette
Head of communications and editor-in-chief of Magazine Gaspésie
C: communication@museedelagaspesie.ca │ T: 418 368-1534, ext. 106
Source: Gaspésie Magazine

