“Each station has its own story, Mont-Joli in New Carlisle”: new issue of Magazine Gaspésie

« À chaque gare son histoire, Mont-Joli à New Carlisle » : nouveau numéro du Magazine Gaspésie
Gaspé, Tuesday, June 21, 2022 .- The Gaspésie Museum presents its latest issue of Gaspésie Magazine : At each station its history . In the 20th century, the train ran frequently on the peninsula. Places of reunions and departures, stations are lively spaces filled with memories, but also crossroads for the post office as well as for the supply and shipment of goods. Today, these places of memory are threatened: several stations have been demolished or moved, and others are waiting with hope for the return of the train. The issue proposes a return to the time when stations were essential places in the life and development of Gaspé villages. Given the enthusiasm for the subject, the Magazine Gaspésie will exceptionally produce two successive issues on stations, each dealing with a specific section of the railway. Climb aboard for the first stop: Each station has its own story, Mont-Joli in New Carlisle, currently on newsstands and online. The second stop will take place in the fall and will be dedicated to the section between Paspébiac and Gaspé. Spaces at the heart of communities Two railway lines cross Gaspésie; namely the railway linking Mont-Joli to Matapédia from 1876 and that between Matapédia and Gaspé which was gradually extended until 1911. For decades, the railway was the only land link between the villages as well as between the region and the outside. Throughout the pages, you will see that the function of station master is a real family affair and that two Matapédiennes are pioneers as female station masters. You will also learn that mail was delivered using the mobile postal service until 1967! Saint-Octave, Sayabec, Matapédia, Nouvelle, Carleton, Maria, New Carlisle… each station has its own memories and history, and many even have several lives. “Contrary to what one might think, the Gaspé railway archives have been poorly preserved. People's help was essential to gather both information and photos, a necessary exercise that will allow us to keep track of this important history of the region that is obviously close to the heart of Gaspé residents. says Marie-Josée Lemaire-Caplette, editor-in-chief. Don't miss the chronicles, two of which celebrate birthdays! Go back in time with the 350th anniversary of the permanent establishment of Petite-Rivière in Barachois, and tour the peninsula with Elsie Reford who is at the origin of the Reford Gardens, whose 150th anniversary it is . Get the print or digital version of At each station its history at newsstands, online at magazinegaspesie.ca or by phone at 418 368-1534, ext. 104. You can also subscribe to one of the versions or give it as a gift. -30- Image: Cover of Gaspésie Magazine “At each station its history”; photo: Irma Mazerolle Firth collection. Information : Marie-Josee Lemaire-Caplette Editor-in-chief of Magazine Gaspésie C: magazine@museedelagaspesie.ca │ T: 418 368-1534, ext. 106 Source: Gaspésie Magazine