“At the heart of the plant kingdom”: call for collaboration for Gaspésie Magazine

« Au cœur du règne végétal » : appel de collaboration pour le Magazine Gaspésie
Gaspé, Thursday, October 6, 2022. – After geology and wildlife, Gaspésie Magazine will explore the flora of the peninsula. Thanks to the mountains, forests, meadows and riverbanks that make up Gaspésie, the flora is diverse and has long been of interest. Expeditions by botanists and naturalists, centuries-old gardens, medicinal and edible plants, mushrooms, seaweed, ancestral uses... the subject is rich. At the heart of the plant kingdom will approach flora in all its forms. You are invited to contribute to this issue ( No. 206, April-July 2023) of Magazine Gaspésie by submitting a text for January 6, 2023. The flora of the Gaspé Your grandmother made a herbarium? Do you know an ancient forest or the virtues of native plants? Are you interested in the particularities of the Gaspé and their uses? Have you studied the use of bark among the Mi'gmaq? Tell us! The next issue aims to address the different facets of the flora in Gaspésie. Do you have ideas and the subject inspires you? Articles vary between 600 and 1,250 words and the deadline is January 6, 2023, to your pens! Have a story to tell, but aren't comfortable writing it? Contact us, it is with pleasure that we will accompany you in your writing or will make a report of your story. The various chronicles continue! All the details here Soon 60 years of stories with your Magazine! On February 22, 2023, Gaspésie Magazine will celebrate its 60th anniversary. In six decades, in addition to being avid readers, you have forged a strong bond with Gaspésie Magazine. As the magazine is often part of your memories, we invite you to share your testimonies: legacies of the collection, special family moments, reunions following an article, etc. Your memories could be published in the next issue! To discuss a draft article or suggest a text, contact Marie-Josée Lemaire-Caplette: magazine@museedelagaspesie.ca or 418 368-1534, ext. 106. -30- Photo: Garden at the back of a house, 1940s. Gaspésie Museum. Edward Béchervaise collection. P31/3b/22 Information : Marie-Josee Lemaire-Caplette Editor-in-chief of Magazine Gaspésie C: magazine@museedelagaspesie.ca │ T: 418 368-1534, ext. 106 Source: Gaspésie Magazine