Jules Bélanger (1929-2021)

Jules Bélanger (1929-2021)
Jules Belanger (1929-2021) A builder and great defender of Gaspésie leaves us Gaspé, Friday, February 5, 2021 – It is with great sadness that the board of directors and the team of the Musée de la Gaspésie learned of the death of Mr. Jules Bélanger, which occurred on Friday, February 5, 2021. Mr. Bélanger made a remarkable contribution to his native region. First of all a great pedagogue, he has always been driven by the development and influence of Gaspésie, he who has been involved in many cultural, social and political causes. Closely linked to the Société historique de la Gaspésie, to the Magazine Gaspésie, then to the Musée de la Gaspésie, Jules Bélanger marked its history and it is an important page for the institution that is turning. Involved from the very beginning in the Société historique de la Gaspésie, he was first responsible for advertising for the Revue d'histoire de la Gaspésie in 1969, then collaborator and member of the editorial board. His most exceptional contribution is certainly to have overseen the foundation of a regional museum from 1974 until its opening in 1977. Mr. Bélanger also demonstrated the strength of his leadership by chairing the fundraising campaign for the expansion of the Museum in 2009, managing to raise $1.5 million. He also chaired the board of directors of the Musée de la Gaspésie from 1977 to 1995, and continued to sit on the board until 2017. The room at the Center d'archives took his name in 2017, wishing to recognize his contribution to the Musée de la Gaspésie. Winner of several prestigious awards, he was, among other things, named an Officer of the National Order of Quebec in 2006 and honored with the Gérard-Morisset Prize in 2015, one of the highest distinctions awarded annually by the Government of Quebec in heritage. A great volunteer, Jules Bélanger has always remained an active member. It constituted the organism's living memory. The current Chairman of the Museum's Board of Directors, Jean-Marie Fallu, has seen his career path influenced by Jules Bélanger when Mr. Fallu was Director of the Museum (1982-1995) and Mr. Bélanger, President: "The one that relatives friendly called the great Jules, was for me a model of determination, pride and righteousness in all that affected the development and influence of our regional institution. Being demanding, he always aimed for excellence. In contact with him, we quickly felt inspired and led to surpass ourselves. I learned a lot from him, because he was, among other things, a brilliant communicator and a fine negotiator. I saw him as a kind of intellectual father. I will miss him very much. » For his part, Martin Roussy, Director General of the Musée de la Gaspésie, recalls this recent memory: “I had the pleasure of chatting with Jules last fall on his birthday. He blew out 91 candles. We were on the patio of his house. The Museum team had given him as a gift, very simple, like him, a pair of slippers to keep his feet warm. He laughed. You should know that the same morning, he had discovered that his old pair had holes. We had a good laugh. He wanted to talk to me about a project for the Museum. His eyes were shining. Jules has always had the Museum in his heart. Until his last breath. Fortunately for all of us, his legacy will live on for many generations of Gaspesians. » Many implications In addition to his involvement with the Musée de la Gaspésie, Mr. Bélanger has been involved in many causes related to education and culture. Among other initiatives, he set up and chaired the implementation committee of the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles, participated in the meetings of the Superior Council of Education and worked within the group whose mission, in 1995, was to the table for a first cultural policy for Quebec. Fascinated by the power of communications, Jules Bélanger played a very active role in the creation of Radio-Gaspésie and the weekly Le Pharillon. Among his many contributions, there is also his participation in the founding of the Center des Jeunesses musicales canadienne de Gaspé. One of Mr. Bélanger's most impressive accomplishments remains the publication, in 1981, of the monumental Histoire de la Gaspésie, for which his contribution was decisive, both in terms of writing and funding, publishing and the recruitment of collaborators. Mr. Bélanger has certainly contributed to positioning Gaspésie on the cultural map of Quebec and ensuring its notoriety. Remember that Jules Bélanger was born in Nouvelle in 1929. Bachelor of Arts from Laval University in 1952, after completing a bachelor's degree in theology at Holy-Heart Seminary in Halifax in 1957, he obtained a license in letters and a master's degree in philosophy from Laval University, then a doctorate in literature from the University of Rennes. Jules Bélanger taught French and Latin at the Séminaire de Gaspé from 1958 to 1969, then French literature at the Cégep de la Gaspésie et des Îles until 1987. All the members, employees and Board of Directors of the Musée de la Gaspésie unite to show their gratitude to Mr. Bélanger and to offer their most sincere condolences to his family and loved ones. A commemorative event will take place after the pandemic, the Musée de la Gaspésie will take part in it; details will be revealed at the appropriate time. Photo: Jules Bélanger at the inauguration of the Musée de la Gaspésie in 1977. Musée de la Gaspésie For interviews, you can contact directly: Jean-Marie Fallu President of the Gaspésie Museum Cell: 418 360-1245 Martin Roussy Director General of the Gaspésie Museum Cell: 418 360-3784 Information: Marie-Josée Lemaire-Caplette Head of communications and editor-in-chief of Magazine Gaspésie C: communication@museedelagaspesie.ca │ T: 418 368-1534, ext. 106 Source: Gaspésie Museum museumofagaspesie.ca -30-