The Musée de la Gaspésie: Human, inclusive, sustainable, popular and decentralized

Le Musée de la Gaspésie :  Humain, inclusif, durable, populaire et décentralisé

Human, inclusive, sustainable, popular and decentralized

For immediate release

Gaspé, October 13, 2022 - The Musée de la Gaspésie unveils its new strategic orientations on three main axes: decentralization, attendance and proximity. A Museum on a human scale, inclusive and sustainable, which collaborates with the Francophone, Anglophone and Mi'gmaq communities of the Gaspé Peninsula. These orientations and values ​​will form the backbone of the development of our institution with a view to achieving its ten-year vision.

Broad consultative process
After several months of research, consultations with his team and the board of directors, after holding numerous workshops with external participants, a survey conducted by the firm Segma as well as a citizen consultation with Gaspésiennes and Residents of the Gaspé, the Musée de la Gaspésie has a solid strategic plan in hand.

Unique decentralization in Quebec
The decentralization will take the form of a pilot project, unique in Quebec, of “in situ” storage and dissemination in collaboration with the Municipality of Sainte-Madeleine-de-la-Rivière-Madeleine. The historical and cultural heritage will remain on the territory. The idea being to create, thereafter, autonomous branches of the Museum, everywhere on the territory. This decentralization will also be done by touring, throughout the Gaspé, two traveling exhibitions, Cher Léo and Madame Bolduc on tour . In addition, we will meet primary schools with the interactive game A Museum in my Suitcase: Artifact Mission .

Access to popular prices
The increase in attendance begins with the democratization of access to the Museum. We want to make a “visit to the Museum” accessible to different audiences in the region. Concretely, this translates to:

  • A 25% discount on the entrance ticket, from October to May.
  • An affordable membership card at a cost of $10 per person (including free admission for children 17 and under). The membership card will also give access to a host of advantages such as free cultural programming activities, access to exhibitions at all times and a 10% discount at the Museum Boutique.
  • Entry into the provincial “first Sunday of the month free” program.

Proximity will be experienced through partnerships with the Gaspé community by offering our services for projects or events that involve animation, conservation, archives and museum management.

In the wake of this exercise, we renewed the sustainable development policy accompanied by a concrete and applicable action plan. Through this policy, the Musée de la Gaspésie undertakes to make decisions and carry out actions that maximize the positive spinoffs for its community and reduce the negative impacts on the environment. The Museum has already followed suit with, among other things, the integration of the eco-design of its exhibitions, local purchasing with a Boutique selling 100% Gaspé products and through participatory management between the employees and the management of our institution. museum.

Inspirational vision
The Museum will make every effort to get closer to Gaspesians. It is also a source of inspiration for our team to embody, in the hearts of our fellow citizens, a regional museum on a human scale open to all; Francophones, Anglophones and Mi'gmaqs. Step by step, we will realize our vision of serving the people here to protect and celebrate our rich cultural and historical heritage.


Information: Martin Roussy
General director
C: │ T: 418 368-1534, ext. 105

Source: Gaspésie Museum